Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Nueva Moda en Mexico / New Fad in México

¿Creativos? Sí que somos los mexicanos. La nueva moda que se produce y circula por youtube, es de grabaciones donde chamacos y no tan chamacos le hacen un favor a la ciudadanía y ¡madres! tumban al estimado Dr. Simi. Pinche gordo pelón cabrón.

Creative? Yep, we mexicans are. The new fad that is being produced and circulating on youtube is of recordings where kids (and not so kids) do a favor to our citizens and bam! tackle our beloved Dr. Simi. Fucking bald lardass motherfucker.

*Dr. Simi is the mascot of Farmacias Similares (generic drugstores). He is outside most of them dancing like a retard all day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Creativity? Is this what you call "creativity"? I am not quite sure who to be more ashamed of, you or those stupid, non-sense, disrespectful teens. In the pure sense of brain-age both you and them are quite at the same level, judging from the fact you actually think of that coward act as something worth calling creative, I would rather call it impudent. I honestly think that display of boldness is by no means fun and just despicable. If I would follow your logic and sense of humour, then posting a video in which you are shown being beaten by a gang of youngsters would make every one else to pee on their pants off so-much unconstrained laugh, so hilarious I should assume. In any event, I hope you are not suddenly attacked by someone out in the street while other's filming to show how "creative" minds are evolving in Mexico.

Espero que recapacites y no vuelvas a llamar "creativa" a una actividad tan simple, despreciable y cobarde como ésta.

4:10 PM  

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